What to Know about Fire Prevention Program Managers


If you are a building owner or facility manager with a building under construction, alteration, or demolition,
you MUST have a Fire Prevention Program Manager (FPPM) per NFPA 241.

NFPA 241 Section 7.2 outlines the owner’s responsibility for fire protection in a building under construction;
“The owner shall designate a person who shall be responsible for the fire prevention program and who shall
ensure that it is carried out to completion…The fire prevention program manager shall have the authority to
enforce the provisions of this and other applicable fire protection standards.” As such, building owners should
minimally be responsible for the following:

  1. Assign Fire Protection Program Manager (FPPM) and Alternate
    This individual will be responsible for the enforcement and implementation of the building/campus
    NFPA 241 Plan and serve as the point of contact for any first responders.
  2. Develop, Manage, and Implement Master Building/Campus NFPA 241 Program
    Provides baseline approach to fire protection and life safety for building. This is used/referenced by
    current and future construction projects. Depending on complexity, assistance from a fire consultant
    may be necessary.
  3. Confirm General Contractors and their Subcontractors are developing/implementing their
    respective Project Level NFPA 241 Plans and Impairment Plans.
  4. Coordinate all impairments on site.
  5. Property Maintenance
    • Fire alarm / Fire Protection / Secondary Power
    • *Smoke Control (most commonly overlooked)
    • Semi-annual testing / Maintenance schedule available on site / Proof of performance and functional criteria
    are satisfied.
    • Fire Drills / Evacuation Plans

General Contractor’s Role

All GC’s working in the building will be required to issue an independent, Project-Level NFPA 241 Plan for
each individual project. Said Plan should reference and incorporate the policies and procedures included in
this Program, while speaking to specific fire protection, life safety, and safeguards that are appropriate for
the scope of work at hand.

Click this link to find a sample Fire Prevention Planning CHECKLIST for Construction, Renovation or Demolition Projects



Designs Plans and Provides on-site Program Managers for your site.
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