Savannah Guthrie opens our eyes on how easy it is to get injured

Kids are dangerous. They not only break your wallet… they can also break your eye!

So sorry to hear about @SavannahGuthrie eye injury by her toddler’s toy train. Household products cause 125,000 eye injuries each year.

Construction injuries average 150,000 per year, of which being “struck by an object” ranks in the Top 4 Causes of Injuries and Fatalities.

Admittedly, it is hard to always be on guard, especially at home. Control what you can. Learn from what you can’t.

At job sites, do not be hard-headed, wear your hard hat and protective facial gear to limit the risk of
injury. Let’s all wish Savannah Guthrie and those who are suffering injuries from unsafe work conditions by a
speedy recovery and a Happy Thanksgiving!

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MackAdminSavannah Guthrie opens our eyes on how easy it is to get injured