Roofing – Ice Damming

Here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC our team of dedicated Air Quality Specialists takes a great deal of pride in providing clients with important insight they need with regard to the dangers of roofing and ice damming. We are on hand to answer any questions and provide clients with effective and efficient solutions to these problems and how they can ensure the overall safety and comfort of their homes.

What is Ice Damming?

Winter can present with many challenges and certainly ice damming is one of them. Although thick sculpting icicles are incredibly beautiful to look at, they can also contribute to a whole lot of damage to your home. They can form ice damming that not only can loosen roof shingles and cause your gutters to collapse, but can cause leaks and excessive amounts of water over time to back up and find its way into your living space. With that said, the Air Quality Specialists here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC are on hand to help identify ice damming problems, provide long term repair options, efficient solutions to removing dams, and tips for preventing them from forming at all.

How Ice Dams Form

It is important to understand how ice dams form in order to determine the best way to prevent or remove them. The whole process begins with the heat in your attic that warms your home’s roof except for the eaves. The accumulated snow begins to melt on the warm rooftop and eventually freezes along the cold eaves of your roof. When the ice begins to form and accumulate along the eaves, an ice dam is created. Snow that melts on the warm roof creates water that backs up behind the dam and finds its way under the roof shingles and finally into your living space.

The Dangers of Ice Damming

As mentioned above, the dangers of ice dams are many, including loosened shingles, collapsed gutters, leaks, and water backup that is created and flows into your home. When ice damming occurs, there can be much damage to your home including, but not limited to, sagging ceilings, stained ceilings, peeling wall and ceiling paint, and even warped floors. Further, ice dams cause attic insulation to become wet and soggy and become infested with mildew and mold spores. When this occurs, not only is the comfort and integrity of your home compromised, but more often than not the health of your family can become compromised as well.

The Prevention of Ice Damming

There are a number of ways to prevent ice damming on your roof. One simple but highly effective procedure for preventing the formation of ice dams is to install heated cables using clips along the edge of your home’s roof in advance of the cold winter weather. The heated cables provide heat from the outside and help to level and balance the temperature of your roof. The Air Quality Specialists here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC have a number of other techniques for successfully preventing the formation of ice dams. Our specialists will discuss these options with you at a scheduled consultation and help you choose the solution that best fits your situation and home.

The Professionals You Can Always Rely On

Ice damming can cause much damage to your home, specifically water damage to your living space. Here at Certified Site Survey of NY, LLC, we want to help clients understand the impact that ice damming can have on the overall health and integrity of your home. There are a number of ways to prevent ice dams from forming as well as a variety of fixes once the ice damming has occurred and our experienced consultants stand ready to provide you with all the data and insight you need.

Our team of Air Quality Specialists is steadfast in their commitment to provide only the highest quality services to all our valued clients and stand ready to meet your every need. Our trained specialists are equipped to answer all your questions and assess your situation in their efforts to provide effective solutions to the problem. To learn more about the effects of ice dams, how they are formed, and how to prevent or fix them, be sure to reach out to one of our dedicated Air Quality Specialists today and schedule your free consultation. The team here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC looks forward to serving you and to helping you protect or restore the health and integrity of your roof and home winter after winter.

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