Do You See How Serious Eye Safety Is?

Eye safety is a major issue on construction sites. Whether they are dealing with some lingering sawdust or are chipping away at old concrete, it’s important to keep a lookout for any potential hazards that can occur towards your workers’ eyes.

When dealing with eye issues, your workers could be dealing with minor issues such as a scratched cornea, or major issues such as risking permanent blindness and eye loss.

Eye damage can come in a variety of ways, such as:

  • Hazardous material flying into the eye
  • Chemicals and other dangerous substances being used without proper protection.
  • Working with dangerous equipment such as buzzsaws, nail guns, and power drills without safety goggles.
  • Industries such as masonry, woodworking, and riveting can be dangerous if you aren’t keeping your eyes safe.

One way of ensuring eye safety is to wear eye safety goggles at all times, especially when working with dangerous tools. This can help your workers see through situations where sawdust accumulates when cutting wood when asphalt rises when using a jackhammer, and more. Without eye goggles, your workers risk very serious damage to themselves and your company.

There are several types of safety goggles that can cost as little as $10 per pair, and if cleaned well can be shared with other people. If you choose to let your employees keep their pairs of goggles, make sure that they bring them to work each day. Emphasize how important this is for their health during training, because a project’s timeline is crucial to revenue. A potential injury not only harms the person’s safety, but it can also lead to many problems for a company itself.

When a project is delayed as a result of negligent eye safety, you risk putting your company’s reputation on the line, in addition to the costly medical bills that usually come with said problems. There may also be extensive paperwork that is needed to verify worker’s compensation, or at worst a lengthy legal battle that could result in even more money lost.

Keeping eye safety at the forefront of your safety plan is crucial, because of all of these issues. A lack of eye safety can harm your workers, leading to expensive medical bills, worker’s compensation, and potential legal battles. Not only are your workers responsible for themselves, but you are also responsible for your workers. If you would like more information about how to keep your workers safe, follow our blog or reach out to Certified Site Safety for more information.

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