COVID-19 Job Site Prevention Measures

Throughout 2020 the Covid-19 Pandemic has impacted nearly everybody and every business, except those recognized as essential businesses or essential providers. In most states, construction projects were classified as essential thereby allowing for them to ‘work as usual’ and not have to be closed down. In those few states where construction projects were actually halted, however, the restrictions put in place are now beginning to ease up and projects are once again starting to move forward. However, it is safe to say that construction project sites, no matter the type of project, going forward will have a whole new look and feel.

Construction sites typically give much focus to the health and safety of their on-site employees, but with the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, there is a definite need to enhance overall safety measures. Here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC our team of professionals is committed to helping clients to make the health and safety of their employees a priority. Oftentimes individuals at a construction site are forced to work in close proximity to one another which causes concern for many employees and their families as well. With that said, there is no one size fits all approach to dealing with the safety challenges and concerns at construction sites. However, here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC we recognize the importance of enhanced construction site safety and have put together a series of prevention measures we want to share with all our valued clients.

Do your part to STOP the spread

During this pandemic, working on a construction site can certainly pose a great challenge to not only the employees, but the companies as well.  With this in mind, our team has put together some very practical yet important safety tips for construction site employees to adhere to.

  1. Stay home if you are sick. Do NOT come to work.
  2. Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If these are not available, use alcohol-based hand rub with at least 60% alcohol.
  3. Cover your mouth and nose with tissues if you cough or sneeze or do so into your elbow.
  4. Wear face covering. Ensure mouth and nose are completely covered.
  5. Practice Social Distancing. Maintain at least 6 feet physical distancing while in shared spaces.
  6. Reduce the size of any group to ten (10) people or less or limit all in-person meetings.
  7. Minimize ride-sharing. While in vehicle, employees must ensure adequate ventilation.
  8. Avoid sharing tools with co-workers if it can be avoided. If not, disinfect before and after each use.
  9. Clean and disinfect frequently used tools, equipment and touched surfaces (door handles, handrails, machinery controls, cell phones, tablets) on a regular basis.
  10. Use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when cleaning and disinfecting, such as gloves and eye protection.

Take Every Precaution

Here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC, we encourage all our clients to take appropriate safety measures to protect employees.  Assigning a Covid-19 Project Manager or Supervisor may be in the best interest of both employees and employers.  Keeping in mind that most of the Covid-19 safety measures are mirrored on the local, state and federal levels, there are a number of jurisdictions that have already put in place mandatory regulations with regard to construction sites.  Enhancing those regulations with additional management to develop and submit risk analysis specific to the site as well as a Covid-19 safety plan is an ideal option for any construction site.  The duties of the Covid-19 Project Manager or Supervisor would be dedicated to the compliance of all implemented safety measures and his or her presence would certainly be a benefit to your project, your company and all your employees.

The Professionals You Can Trust

Here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC, our team of dedicated professionals is committed to providing all our valued clients with only the highest quality services this side of the state.  For more information on Covid-19 site safety measures or to discuss risk management, safety design or safety training for your team, reach out to one of our dedicated staff today.  We look forward to serving you and send along wishes for a safe and prosperous 2021 ahead!

Visit our Contact page or call us at 914-930-4017 to learn more. 


MackAdminCOVID-19 Job Site Prevention Measures