Basement Air Handler

Here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC our team of highly skilled and certified Air Quality Specialists takes tremendous pride in providing all our valued clients with important insight needed about their ventilation system and the impact it can have on the quality of air in their home. We want all our clients to understand what an air handler is, where it is located and the significant role it plays in the overall air quality of their home.

The Components of a Basement Air Handler

A basement air handler consists of a number of important components including a blower motor, evaporator coil, various electrical as well as electronic components and air filters, each of which plays an important role in delivering high levels of comfort and air quality to your home.

  • The blower motor – The blower actually moves the air to your HVAC system’s ductwork so it can be circulated throughout your home. The blower motor is available in a number of speeds from a single speed motor to a multi speed or a variable speed each of which is designed to control the flow of circulated air within any given space depending upon specific requirements.
  • The evaporator coil – A critical component to a ventilation system’s refrigeration cycle, the evaporator coil basically conditions the air being circulated in your home making the air feel cooler in warm weather and warmer in cold weather.
  • The air filter – The air that flows through the HVAC system’s ductwork must first pass through an air filter that reduces the contaminants and other particles being circulated throughout your home. It is imperative that the air filter is changed routinely to ensure that harmful particles are not impacting your home’s overall air quality.

The Risks of a Basement Air Handler

Air handlers can be located in the attic or basement of a home or even in a specific closet space. They look much like a gas furnace and, as the name implies, are responsible for handling the air circulated within your living space and are designed to deliver warm air in the cold months and cool air in the warmer months throughout your home. The air handler is designed to circulate conditioned air efficiently throughout your home by way of the HVAC system’s ductwork and should contribute to an enhanced air quality within your living space. However, a basement air handler presents with a number of challenges and risks.

Most basements have high humidity and moisture levels which can not only compromise the air handler but have a negative impact on your entire ventilation system. Many basement air handlers over time develop leaks that can contribute to further issues with your home and family. Designed to circulate conditioned air efficiently throughout your home by way of the HVAC system’s ductwork, a basement air handler combating humidity levels, moisture, leaks and the development of mold spores is unable to perform at peak levels and provide enhanced air quality to a home.

Trust Our Team of Professionals

An air handler works in conjunction with the ductwork of your HVAC system. It is responsible for creating simultaneously a specific cycle wherein air is delivered to your indoor living space by way of vents and at the same time drawing in air from return vents in the ductwork. However, with the presence of high humidity levels, moisture, leaks and even mold and mildew in many basements, a basement air handler is apt to be compromised as is the air being circulated in your home.

Here at Certified Site Safety of NY, LLC, our team of Air Quality Specialists is steadfast in their commitment to meet the individual needs of all our clients. Our team is on hand to perform a system inspection and assessment to ensure that the supply of air to your home along with its movement is adequate and properly balanced. An improper amount of air flow within the ductwork or the supply and return vents will reduce the HVAC system’s air balance and minimize the efficiency of the entire system. For more information about basement air handlers, the risks and potential complications, reach out to one of our Air Quality Specialists today and schedule a free consultation. We look forward to serving you and to providing you with only the highest quality products and services this side of New York.

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