Keeping an Eye on Eye Safety

Right before Thanksgiving, NBC’s Today show host Savannah Guthrie suffered a serious eye injury during a playful moment with her toddler. She had been pierced in the eye by her son’s toy train while playing with him.

Luckily for her, it was not as bad as it could have been. She was able to avoid major eye surgery and should make a full recovery over the next few weeks.

Eye injuries are common. Items around the house cause 125,000 eye injuries each year.

At work, particularly construction sites, injuries average 150,000 per year. Among the Top 4 causes is being “struck by an object.” These objects may include sawdust, crushed stone, and other things that fly into the eye during a normal day’s work.

The OSHA has data showing that the ninth most common practice failed by construction sites was the protection of the eye and face on construction sites. As such, it’s crucial to understand why this happens.

Aside from general carelessness, one of the ways you can resolve this issue on your site is to have frequent training on the importance of safety. Any new employee must understand the importance of keeping their safety protection on them at all times during the site. Freak accidents do happen – a nail can be dropped from a high floor and hit someone while they’re looking up. An employee could be less careful with a nail gun and fire it at someone’s face. Whatever the cause may be, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of being safe in such a hazardous workplace.

Risks can be mitigated. Having a safety plan can improve the chances of limiting incidents and prevent compounding legal issues as a result.

Hard hats and protective facial gear are two essential items that reduce the threat of injuries for your workers. Eye goggles can cost as little as $10 per pair, and hard hats are one of the most recognizable features of a construction crew. Having a crew member not wear their helmet can look downright sloppy to the average person, and may make themselves feel uneasy when standing under their scaffolding. Along with our enhanced construction support staff, you can bolster your (required) safety programs and result in streamlined operations.

It happened to Savannah at home. Imagine what could happen at the job site.

Get Certified Site Safety to assist you in resolving your safety concerns today, and keep following our blog for more safety tips that you can apply to your construction company.

Call us for Safety Training, Safety Logistics Plans, Health and Safety Programs and Safety Audits.
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